Monday, August 23, 2010

Hajime + First post

Thank you for reading my new blog, Nice to have a dedicated site for my artist alias. Today I want to share links from my label and open up to everyone who reads this.

I'm really into cars, vintage paraphenalia such as furniture and electronics, I love technology and Victorian themes. I guess the lifestyle of a gal revolves around fashionable objects and music. Recently I've been infatuated with gothic lolita, opera music, and European items, such as cars, furniture, fashion, houses/architecture.

I love dressing up and going on outings with friends, which doesn't really happen all that often. It's really hot in the south, and everyone tends to stay inside and play videogames or watch television. I like to play videogames, but I always think I'll get burnt out on doing just one thing, so I like to go out and enjoy the heat.

Yesterday I went out with a friend, driving around and we looked at different farmers markets and enjoyed the sights on Tybee Island. I bought some fruits with the intention of adding them into smoothies, as well as some meat - I am scheming to make a Japanese style pork ramen with veggies. <3 I enjoyed going out and doing nothing exciting, it was a change of pace from the mundane things people do at home. I don't like to become recluse, LOL!! I will however, be hiding up in my room this coming weekend to film! I'm working on some choreography for a song from Odyssey Records. <3 It's going to be great! Please check back soon to see! Thanks to those who have given me inspiration. Heart you guys. ^^ Cherry Blossoms [2010] - Odyssey